24-Hour Planetary Panorama
Oh. My. Good. Gosh. I don’t normally head over to Earth Science Picture of the Day but am I glad I did today! Chris Kotsiopoulos has created just about the most amazing panorama I have ever seen, though to call it a “panorama” is almost a disservice to what is really going on within this image.
This is a compilation of images made throughout an entire day (more than a day, actually), including the full path of the sun in 15-minute steps and one magnificent 11-hour star trail opposite the Temple of Poseidon (Chris lives and photographs in Athens, Greece).
Now, peel your eyes off of this beauty for a second and keep reading. Not only did Chris sit out in the winter cold for 30 hours to capture all of these images, he also spent another 12 hours compiling it all together using a combination of Panotools (PTGui actually) and Photoshop, and then, as though this wasn’t enough, he explained it step-by-step on his forum!
Take one more good look at that fabulous panorama up there and then head over to the Greek Sky forum.0 and learn how it was done.
Edit: Photojojo reported on this image as well!