After Five Years Off, I'm Back
Yes, it is true! After more than five years offline, Single-Serving Photo has returned!
It’s been a long road to reach this point. Five years ago, this blog was on the WordPress platform (self-hosted), and fell victim to repeated takeovers by “script kiddie” hackers who enjoyed replacing the entire site with a hideous message of domination, obviously taking advantage of some exploit in WordPress or one of the extensions I used.
I tired of restoring it from backups every day and trying to track down the issue; I did have a full-time job after all. So I let it go, I stored the backups and I moved on with my life.
I’ve always wanted to restore access to some of the most popular articles here, and so finally over the past week I have migrated everything over to the Jekyll system, which generates a completely static (and therefore un-hackable) website, which is what you’re reading now.
I’m not sure yet if I will make new posts here, although I do still consider photography to be among my major hobbies and I am always trying to learn new things, so it’s possible that I will use this forum to share them with all of you. If there are any of you left.
If you’ve stumbled onto this website by chance, you may like to start by browsing through the Essential Reading page, which contains a selection of reader favorites.
I have implemented Disqus comments, so please do leave remarks on any posts you find interesting or useful! Also feel free to reach out via Twitter; you can find a link in the site footer.